Events & Stories

The 7 most common questions

Living abroad

Since we opened futurehippie on Koh Samui we’re having lovely people joining from all over world, who have some questions. 

People who attend our yoga retreat or just joining us in the café asking us many times the same questions. 

Most frequently asked questions:

  1. since when are you here?
  2. where are you from?
  3. do you live here?
  4. do you stay forever?
  5. how easy is it to live in Thailand ?
  6. how is it to move away from Germany?
  7. do you miss Germany?

Let’s see what we can answer! 🙂

  1.  we’re on Koh Samui since November 2018 and opened futurehippie at the 24th December 2018

  2. Rayk and me are both German. Rayk used to live in Potsdam and I used to live in Munich but I’m born in the north of Germany

  3. no we travel every morning from Berlin to Samui. 🙂 Yes of course we do. Rayk and me are living next door to futurehippie.

  4. what’s forever ? We plan to stay for at least a couple of years but we don’t know how long exactly. Who know’s what the future will bring.

  5. well let’s focus on number 5 and we gonna have a separate post for number 6 and 7.

How easy is it to live in Thailand?

If you don’t wanna work and have enough savings then life can be quite relaxing. The only issue everyone is facing is the Visa. There are different visatypes and none of them gives you the ultimate freedom. We have a 1year Visa but still have to do a border bounce every 3 month. Every year we renew the Visa and the work permit. Yes we all know people who work without a work permit or volunteering for exchange etc. 


Unfortunately that’s all not legal. As soon as you decide to work, help or volunteer you need a work permit. Otherwise you can get in real trouble in Thailand. 


When we arrived we were really surprised by the fact that the thai bureaucracy is unbelievable! You gonna sign papers and papers with no idea what you’re signing there. At one point we said that we’re sure that by now we already sold our soul. 


Just one example: I bought our car and to have this car on my name and getting the right papers and certificates I needed a certificate from immigration, lots of different papers and we went 3 times to the transport office. Yes- Thailand is teaching us patience!


Once you have everything arranged you can start to enjoy life (until the next unexpected thing is happening :))

Life is pretty amazing here.

I can go for a swim in the ocean every day. We’re surrounded by nature and we both feel super grounded. The veggies and fruits are super fresh and full of flavours. We have lovely guests from all around the world and it’s nice to connect to them. Our neighbors are lovely and soon we wanna start learning Thai language so that we can connect much better to our Thai neighbor. 

When we arrived in November 2018 it was the middle of rainy season which can be really unpleasant sometimes. From January to March it was beautiful and then it started to get hot in April. So far I love the month June because it brings lots of wind, sunshine and some storms in the afternoon. I just love watching storms in the late afternoon. 


Thailand is such a beautiful country and we hope that we will stay many more years.


How long exactly ? We’ll see 🙂