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How to find the right Yoga for yourself

Hundreds of variations and Yogastyles are available all around the world. As a beginner or even more advanced practitioner, how do you know if the option you’ve chosen is best for you? Maybe the one you started off with isn’t really a good fit !? There’s so much to discover and it can also be quiet overwhelming in the “Yogaworld” out there. Here are some tips / questions you can ask yourself to find out about your needs.

Ask yourself why you practice !

Everyone of us has a reason to start with Yoga. What made you curious, what was the reason to roll out the mat the very first time ?

I personally started in my early twenties just to have a good stretch. I went to a Jivamukti studio in Munich and was pretty overwhelmed and almost annoyed by the Chanting and Meditation . Of course that changed over time but my intention was to do something for my body. Luckily I know now that there’s so much more beauty in it then just the physical aspect.

Be honest about your personal needs !

That’s a big one ! Is it your ego pushing you through a power flow class when you actually just wanna rest and chill ? Really try to listen to your body. It needs time and practice to develop this skill.

For me stillness and silence works best to ask myself what I need in this moment. I especially learned in the past month to connect stronger to my moon cycle. The practice changes and varies along the cycle a lot. Sometimes it’s a pretty tough and sweaty Vinyasa flow and on other days I surrender in my Yin Yoga poses. With taking more rest during my bleed I feel more energized during the rest of my cycle.

Where are you in your cycle ? Choose wisely if you need something uplifting, grounding or simply wanna rest.

Explore different yoga styles

There are so many different Yoga styles out there! The most popular ones are Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin & Ashtanga. But then you have also styles like Anusara, Kundalini, Bikram, Restorative, Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Iyengar, Jivamukti, Aerial

, Fly high, Sivananda and so on… The list is endless.

Important is to have a good solid base and to learn about alignment. Choose a beginner class in the style you’re interested in. If you don’t know how to start I would suggest a beginner Hatha Yoga class. This will give you usually a good overview about basic Yoga Asanas and enough time to focus on the correct alignment.

If you have any injuries or doubts talk to the teacher before class for clarification.

My practice started with Jivamukti Yoga, which was quite fast paced, with cool music and a huge spiritual approach. I then fell in love with Vinyasa, Hatha Yoga and Yin Yoga. For some time I truly enjoyed practicing and teaching Flyhigh Yoga which is similar to Aerial (your upside down).

Today my practice varies in between Vinyasa, Hatha and myofascial Yin Yoga.

Try out different teachers

As important as it is to try different styles, you can try different teachers. Sometimes it’s the voice, the words or just the place which is a great fit or just not ! Just because it is a Vinyasa Yoga class, it doesn’t mean that you will have the same experience the next day with another teacher. There’s no such thing as the perfect Yogateacher !

I love my own practice as much as I love to be guided every now and then. When I stop thinking of the class, the Asanas, the sequence or anything else and it just flows then I’m in heaven.

I hope you will find your passion for Yoga and this article will help you to find the right Yoga for yourself.