14 Signs of a Hormonal Imbalance Women Should Never Ignore

Everyone struggles with hormone imbalances. From weight gain to hair loss and depression to premature aging, absolutely no one has been spared these symptoms. That’s why you see so many different options when you’re trying to fix them – prescriptions, supplements, natural treatments like yoga and acupuncture, pricey doctor visits… the list goes on and on. But what is the right path? The best thing you can do is tackle it at its root cause. If a symptom has been bothering you for more than a week or you’re feeling particularly run down, it just might be time for the pros at Hormone Yoga Therapy to take over your care.

Here are 14 signs that you have a hormone imbalance and should think about doing Hormone Yoga Therapy.

1. Feeling frustrated but not sure why?

Feeling frustrated or angry is one of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance, and it can be hard to tell if you’re really just having a bad day or if there’s something more going on.

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a safe, effective way to address the root cause of your symptoms without the use of medication or hormones.

2. Feeling irritable for no reason?

There may be an explanation for that.

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a new form of yoga that specifically targets hormones and their effects on the body. It’s based on research, which shows that hormones can have a profound effect on mood, energy levels and even weight gain or loss. Hormone Yoga Therapy helps balance these hormones so you feel more like your best self.

3. Unexplained weight gain?

Are you struggling with weight gain, bloating and water retention?

If so, the problem might be your thyroid gland. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate your metabolism, which can cause weight gain if it isn’t working properly.

Yoga is a great way to treat your thyroid gland and help it function better. It improves circulation, which helps carry nutrients to the cells in your body. Yoga also increases flexibility and strength, both of which can help reduce stress levels that may be contributing to your thyroid problems.

4. Lack of motivation to do things you used to enjoy?

Has your lack of motivation made you feel like you’re stuck in a rut?

Are you feeling sluggish, tired and out of breath at the thought of doing something as simple as going for a walk?

I have helped hundreds of people just like YOU get their life back by getting to the root cause of their hormonal imbalance.

But did you know that these problems can be addressed with yoga therapy? Yoga is an ancient practice that helps us achieve balance through proper alignment, breath work and meditation.

5. Vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that can be caused by many things, including hormonal changes, menopause, and antihistamines.

Yoga therapy can help you to balance your hormones and prevent vaginal dryness. The combination of yoga postures and breathing exercises will increase blood flow to the vaginal area, which can help reduce dryness. In addition to increasing blood flow, yoga is known to increase the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for creating a feeling of relaxation in the body.

6. Can’t get your period or having irregular periods?

If you’re having trouble getting your period or have irregular periods, you may be deficient in the hormone progesterone. This is a normal part of menopause and can affect up to 50% of women. Hormone Yoga Therapy is a safe and effective way to bring balance back to your body.

7. Difficulty getting pregnant or infertility?

If you are trying to get pregnant and are having difficulty getting pregnant or if you have been trying for more than one year without success, HRT may be right for you. HRT can help you get pregnant by balancing your hormones and improving your chances of conception.

The hormones estrogen and progesterone play important roles in fertility. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to infertility problems in women, as well as to other reproductive health issues. HRT uses yoga, meditation and breathing techniques to promote balance between these hormones which can help improve reproductive health.

8. You feel unattractive or unlovable

If you feel unattractive or unlovable, it’s time to take a look at what your hormones are doing.

Hormones are messengers that tell your brain how to react to specific situations and stimuli. When they’re out of balance, your moods can be affected, making you feel insecure or depressed.

9. Low libido and not feeling interested in sex?

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Do you feel like your libido is off the charts, but that’s not necessarily a good thing?

Are you suffering from low energy, insomnia, mood swings and weight gain?

If so, it could be due to hormone imbalance.

Hormone Yoga Therapy can help!

10. Hair loss or diminished hair growth.

Hormone imbalance can be one of the culprits behind hair loss or diminished hair growth. Many women experience this in their early twenties, but it can also happen at any age.

11. Your skin has aged or become dry and irritated, which is making you look older than you are.

The skin is our largest organ, and it’s a huge indicator of how we feel on the inside. But sometimes, it can get a little saggier than you’d like.

If your skin has aged or become dry and irritated, which is making you look older than you are—we have good news for you! There’s a way to fix it: hormone yoga therapy.

Hormone yoga therapy can help balance your hormones and make sure that your skin stays youthful and vibrant. It’s easy to do at home, and it only takes about 15 minutes each day. You’ll start seeing results almost immediately!

12. You’re having hot flashes or night sweats that disrupt your sleep patterns.

Hot flashes and night sweats are no joke. In addition to disrupting your sleep patterns and leaving you feeling groggy and tired, they can be an indicator of other health issues.

Hormone Yoga Therapy can help. It’s a gentle, holistic approach to managing the symptoms of menopause that includes a combination of yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation to help regulate hormone levels naturally.

13. Breast tenderness and bloating before your period?

Do you have breast tenderness and bloating before your period?
But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. With hormone yoga therapy, we can help you manage your hormones and get back on track with your cycle.

We’ll teach you how to breathe deeply, relax your body and mind, and get rid of those pesky symptoms so that even if your period comes early or late, it won’t throw off your day!

14. PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) symptoms like moodiness, food cravings, breast discomfort, bloating and more.

PMS is no laughing matter.

It’s not just the mood swings, cravings and bloating that can make this time of the month a drag. PMS symptoms can also include breast tenderness and pain, headaches, fatigue and sleeplessness. For some women with PMS, symptoms are so severe that they have trouble functioning normally on a daily basis.

Hormone yoga therapy helps correct hormonal imbalances by working directly with your endocrine system to balance out estrogen and progesterone levels naturally. By doing so, it can reduce or eliminate many of the symptoms associated with PMS including moodiness, food cravings, breast discomfort and bloating.

In summary, hormone yoga therapy is an amazing therapy that can positively impact your life. It is a great way to improve your overall health. The tips provided above may give you an idea of why it is so beneficial and why so many women are using it. If you are experiencing any of these signs, then it is a good idea to consider hormone yoga therapy.

Yoga is not just a physical activity. It’s a practice that can help you build strength and flexibility, increase your awareness of your body, and improve your overall well-being.

In fact, yoga can be done every day—no matter what your level of experience or physical fitness might be.

And the best part? You can find the modality that works best for you.

Restore your natural energy, balance and vitality!

Join Hormone Yoga therapy course and learn how to heal your hormones through yoga postures.

Contact us for more information or send an email at [email protected]

A Career as a Yoga Teacher

Mika teaching asanas

I think most of my colleagues and Yogifriends started with yoga as a second career. Yes, I will call it a “career” in this blog post and not only here. Many people don’t see the job as a yoga teacher as a real job. For them it’s more like a passion or a hobby.


My Story

Well, it started as a hobby and turned into a passion and then later into my profession.

From the age of 16, I worked in the cosmetic field. When I turned 31, I felt that this is a pathway I don’t want to follow for the rest of my life.


Career as a Yoga Teacher

When we practice Yoga, we start feeling the connection to our true self again. This is such an amazing process and a gift many of us want to share. I guess because of this, it is quite popular now to become a yoga teacher and participate in  yoga teacher training. Don’t get me wrong: I truly believe that doing  teacher training is something really beneficial for almost every person who has an interest in yoga. What we should consider when becoming a teacher of yoga is that our practice and the career as a teacher is something completely different. In fact, I have a few friends who lost their own passion while teaching or even burnt out. One of these friends would recommend  you not to do it for a living if you want to keep your own practice and passion for yoga alive.


My Experience

I will share my experience with you and try to give some recommendations.

When I started teaching, I was so happy to get the chance to step up as a teacher that I taught a lot of classes. I used to live on a small island in Indonesia and had to make some money somehow. Luckily I’m a hairdresser, so I was able to make some money from cutting  hair for friends and others living on the island too. I did a course for yoga and Thai massage and taught at two different studios on this tiny island.

So I had these jobs: yoga teacher, massage therapist, hairdresser and I was baking vegan bread and selling party boat tickets to make my life living.

Honestly, that was a fantastic time but also very draining and exhausting. I remember one week where I taught around 17-20 yoga classes. During that year, I met amazing people and learned a lot. I went to Bali and India afterwards to do more teacher training courses, which was an amazing experience.



Back in Germany, I set up my first company “MikaYoga“. In Munich, I taught around 10-12 classes per week under this brand, plus I worked an additional 20 hours as a hairdresser.

To start as a new teacher in a big city isn’t the easiest task, but it’s doable if you have some endurance. I taught for two different studios, rented a room and taught Yoga for various companies during the day for their employers.

It is possible to make some money with it, but you won‘t get rich. Unless you‘re one of the lucky ones and meet the right people at the right time and place. 🙂



After 1.5 years in Munich, I felt the urge to travel again. I signed up with the platform Yogatrade and was looking for yoga jobs all over the world. Quite soon I got in contact with Vagabond Temple in Kep, Cambodia. I was super lucky to get a job at this amazing retreat place. Even more lucky that Rayk was joining me.



We both had the idea to create our own centre, and so Futurehippie was born after a few months.


Options for a career as a Yoga Teacher

Yoga Studios or Gym

You can teach yoga classes in a gym or a yoga studio. This will bring you some experience but most likely not so much money. It is, for sure, great to meet new people and students. Maybe you can convert some of these people into your longtime students?

These jobs are great if you don’t want to interact with your students too much or you’re a little bit more introverted.

Many teachers working part-time as a yoga teacher and have other jobs as their main income.


Your Own Studio

Well, that’s a big step! A studio in a city or smaller town means a lot of work and a lot of classes to teach. With the growing yoga market, it is really competitive. You need to do a lot of research and marketing to find your niche and your students.

Pairing up with other teachers or renting your studio for workshops or events might help to fill less booked spots.

In the position as a studio owner, you will have lots of administrative work to do. People want to get in contact with the owner and have tons of questions. If you just want to teach yoga, consider this carefully.


Travel and Teach

This is a wonderful idea, but you’re not the only one. Sign up with platforms like Yogatrade or yogajobsallovertheworld to find a job or volunteer position. Most jobs are not paid very well, but if you have some spare money, it can be a great experience. Travelling and teaching have gotten really popular. Prepare a good CV, pictures and introduction letter to get in contact with hotels, spas, retreat centres etc.

It is important to know in advance  if you will need a visa and work permit. In many countries, it is illegal to work or volunteer without a work permit. Thailand, for example, doesn’t allow you to volunteer or take part in any exchange programs, unless it’s with a non-profit organisation.


Teaching for Retreats or Host Your Own Retreat

As a teacher for a retreat, you need different skills then a studio teacher. Ask yourself if you can hold space for others and if you’re outgoing enough to be present most of the day etc. Depending on the retreat, you might be asked to do additional jobs. This is mostly a full-time position and can be challenging. You will learn a lot from others and discover new skills.


Online Teaching

I don’t know much about this  way of teaching yoga because I’m not a technical expert. But some people are making decent money with it. They have their own channels via youtube, social media or other websites where a user can sign up for a particular program.

The good thing is that you can do this almost anywhere in the world, but you have less personal or direct contact with your students.


Teacher in a Yoga Teacher Training Centre

Of course, there are a lot of schools now who offer yoga teacher training, but this is the way  most yoga teachers make money. Putting the money part to the side it can be really rewarding to work with committed students who want to learn all about yoga. Many schools offer a 4-week intensive program or students can take the course in different modules. This way of teaching is super intense, and it forces you to keep on studying to be able to share your knowledge to the best of your ability.

I’m sure there are more ways how you can work as a yoga teacher, but these are the ones I know so far.

Keep in mind that teaching yoga is a real job and that it will take some time  –  like in every other job  –  until you feel safe and confident. To step in front of a group requires self-confidence and it’s ok to be a little bit nervous.

I’m curious what you think and if you have had similar experiences. I am also always happy to chat if you have any questions.


If you now feel vindicated in becoming a yoga teacher yourself  start your career as a yoga teacher with 200H Yoga Teacher Training.


With love


How yoga changed my life

Rayk Yoga teacher futurehippie

In the last months I came across the thought how yoga changed my life a few times. Here I’d like to share a part of this journey with you.

I began practising yoga with a DVD in front of my TV. I just wanted to try something new and find out more about yoga, but looking back, it was the beginning of a journey to myself.

It was only five years ago in 2014 when I began practising yoga on a regular basis. Yoga was part of the Yoga & Surf retreat I stayed at, and I was lucky enough to have Sybi as my teacher. Sybi recommended the yoga studio in Berlin, where I met Mika three years later. Call it coincidence, fate, or prevision.

Now, I’m co-owner of ‘futurehippie’ and a yoga teacher myself.

What changed? Almost everything, but now, everything fits together. Not only am I closer to myself, but I also share my passion for yoga and see how people enjoy their own practice.

That’s the beauty of yoga – helping your students to get in touch with their needs, their bodies, and focusing on themselves  – raising awareness for more mindfulness in their everyday lives!

If you are thinking about becoming a yoga teacher, ask yourself these questions:

Why do you want to train?

Is your goal to deepen your knowledge about yoga and a yogic lifestyle? Understand the coherences between asanas, breathing, and meditation? Develop and improve your daily self-practice? Are you up to making the next big step to sharing your love for yoga with students?

Whatever it is that drives you, make sure the course covers the knowledge you’d love to learn and meets your expectations!

What techniques, styles, and practices do you want to learn?

When it comes to a yogic lifestyle, there is more to learn than “just“ asanas. There are spiritual, philosophical, and historical understandings to dive into. Or maybe you want to learn more about reiki and chakras at the teacher training. Which style would you like to practice? Hatha? Vinyasa? Ashtanga? Aerial?

What values does the yoga school teach and do they reflect yours?

Let’s ask a basic question: Do you feel the intentions of the school are always honest? This is an excellent opportunity to start tapping into your intuition to make decisions that serve you.

Are you open to challenging yourself and changing your routine?

Training to become a yoga teacher is a transformative journey, and it will affect you mentally, spiritually, and definitely physically. You’re welcome to learn, grow, and accept yourself. You will meet beautiful souls all on their own journey, with different levels, beliefs, and backgrounds. Share your experiences during this challenging training with them, and you might find friends for a lifetime.

If you’re interested, take a look at our website to find out more about our 200H teacher training.


Much love


Yoga Teacher Training – yes or no?

Yoga Teacher Training at Futurehippie

Maybe it’s because I’m a yoga teacher myself, but over the past few years, I have met lots of people who have or are still considering yoga teacher training. To be more precise: people want to know if they should do a 200-hour course! Well – I can’t tell if someone should or shouldn’t do it, but I can share what to expect and my personal experience.



My way to a yoga teacher

My intention wasn’t to become a yoga teacher when I began travelling in Southeast Asia. Above all, I just wanted to explore, travel, and do some yoga. Secondly, I also had no idea how to become a teacher. So I went from one class to the next and, somehow, I found an advertisement about the program at “Shades of Yoga” in Bali. Firstly I had to fill out a form to apply for training. I actually thought that I’m not good enough yet to become a teacher and that they would never accept me for this 200-hour yoga teacher training.

After answering their questions, I wanted to find out how soon it started. I sent them the form, and two days later, I got an email saying that I had been accepted for the next course. At that time, I didn’t question it and booked everything around it, from accommodation to flights, etc.

That was around 5 years ago, and it is still one of the best decisions in my life.

My 4 weeks in Bali went by very quickly. The course was fun, challenging, and an amazing experience. I had to return to Germany afterwards, but so many things had changed in my life that I quit my job, returned to Bali, and then my real yoga journey started…


What a course looks like

But to come back to the course: naturally, I can only share my experience with you. A different school will provide a different schedule and content, which leads to a different experience. In these 4 weeks of training, we practised a lot of yoga asanas, but that was not all. The typical day started with a meditation at 7 am for around 30 minutes. After that we practised our asana (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) until 9am and afterwards ate a delicious breakfast. From 10am until 12:30pm, it was time to study theory. In the course we learned about anatomy, yoga philosophy and teaching methodology.

At lunchtime, we had some free time and if needed, time to complete assignments (that’s like homework we had to hand in halfway through the course). In the afternoon, it was again time for more theory and practice. Every day was a little bit different, but we usually finished by 6pm. Generally, I went out for dinner or ordered in some food to eat in my little bungalow and started studying until around 9pm. It was a lot of new information, and there were many topics to review, study, or just to learn, such as Sanskrit. Sanskrit is the language used in yoga to name the yoga postures. You will also hear Sanskrit when going to a mantra chanting event.

By 9pm or 10pm at the latest, I was so tired and ready for a good night’s sleep. This went on from Monday until Saturday each week. Sunday was a day off which was much needed. During the last week of the course, we had our final exams, both theory and practical. Everyone had to teach a final yoga class and hand in all assignments. It was all very exciting and, after our final ceremony, we celebrated almost the whole night.


What I learned:

  • that my body is very capable of doing things I didn’t know were possible,
  • everything will pass, the good and the bad
  • to accept myself the way I am
  • that I can’t change the past, but I can live in the present moment
  • to trust and to love others
  • anatomical basics
  • overview of the history of yoga
  • the basics of chakras and meditation
  • correct alignment in yoga
  • …and so much more!

What to expect?

So, what should you expect? Be prepared to be physically and mentally challenged. Expect to dive deep and discover new things about yourself. Everyone is on their own journey, and I know many people for whom it was a life-changing experience.

Most importantly, you don’t need to be perfect in your yoga practice, but I do recommend you have some experience. Start your own practice and develop a routine. Make sure you’re in good and healthy condition, both physically and mentally.


Where to go for a YTTC?

Another big question: Where should you do the teacher training? Actually, it doesn’t matter which location you do it. Many people go to India, Bali, Thailand, or Sri Lanka – just to name a few. Above all, it is more important that you’re feeling good about the school and the teacher you choose. If possible, do a few classes with the headteacher of the school before you apply for the course. In case that’s not possible, check if they have classes on YouTube, for example, so that you can see if a specific style resonates with you.


What style to start with?

I would personally recommend starting with Hatha yoga teacher training. This will give you a broad overview and a great foundation. After that, you can decide if you want to delve deeper into a particular style. During the course, many people find out what they’re really drawn to and what their passion is. Maybe the Yin is calling you to slow down, or perhaps you want to go in the direction of Ashtanga, Kundalini or Vinyasa…you will find out!


Full-time or part-time?

Most schools offer the 200-hour course over four weeks, which is the perfect amount of time. You will also see ads for training in 21 or even 11(!!!) days. To clarify – anyone who can count should realise, that this is nearly impossible unless you want to practice 24/7. You need some time to let all this new knowledge sink in. In my course, a few people got sick during the first two weeks and missed out on a few classes. In the case you only had 11 days of training, it would be impossible to keep up with the workload.

Another option would be to do long-term training. I can’t speak from my own experience, but I know a few people who went down this route. Depending on the school, the lessons will be split into different modules over a few weekends, evening sessions, or weeks.

If you’re lucky enough to have 4 weeks available in a row, why not try doing it all in one run?!? You’re going to dive very deep into your practice. The courses with different modules spread over time are perfect for people who can’t stay away from their work or family for an extended amount of time.


YTTC at futurehippie

If you want to combine yoga teacher training with holidays, we would love to have you on one of our courses at futurehippie on beautiful Koh Samui, Thailand!

The next training course begins on March 23, 2020.


I hope that this gives you a bit of an overview of where and if you should enrol in a yoga teacher training program. Knowing you will learn a basic foundation can help you decide if you really want to start teaching yoga. It is a fantastic experience, and I highly recommend you do so.


For any other questions, just send me a message, and I’ll be happy to answer them.


Love & Light
