Events & Stories

Hormone Health Workshop

► Open for all women, all ages; no experience needed-

Are you noticing that your body and hormones are changing ? Do you want to get back to a place of balance and joy?

Living a cyclical lifestyle in combination with Hormone Yoga Therapy is the most natural and effective way to find the balance you are looking for.

The symptoms of low hormones can have bad effects on our self esteem and bring anxiety & insecurity.

Symptoms like 

  • Infertility 
  • PMS,
  • PCOS and
  • Irregular cycles

– can be caused by a disbalance of the overall hormonal level.

Hormone Yoga therapy is an intense exercise series for all woman to reactivate and balance the hormone level in a natural way. The combination of Hatha Yoga Asanas, the use of strong Pranayama techniques and a Tibetian technique to circulate energy regulates our endocrine system. Hormone Yoga is highly effective for woman in Menopause, Pre-menopause, the wish of conceiving, woman with irregular cycles, PCO’s or PMS.

Living a cyclical lifestyle in combination with Hormone Yoga Therapy is the most natural and effective way to find the balance you are looking for.

✨ balances the hormones naturally

✨ reduces hot flashes

✨ supports the nervous system, libido, skin & hair, metabolism, sleep, energy and fertility

⚠️It is important to know that you can raise your hormone level in a very short time if you practice consistently.

Therefore there are a few contraindications for the practice. If you have or had breast or uterus cancer, a fibroid bigger then 10cm, diagnosed advanced endometriosis you unfortunately can’t practice HYT.

If you have Hyperthyroidism please let me know, because we then need to adapt the practice for you

Contact us for more information Whatsapp to +66617456909                                      or send an email at [email protected]