Free Discovery Call

Are you ready for a new way to feel better?

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a unique form of yoga that helps you restore balance and vitality to your body by targeting specific hormone imbalances. It’s simple, effective, and right for almost anyone.

I offer free discovery calls so you can learn more about how our program works, and how I can help you reach your goals. I’ll answer all of your questions, and give you a chance to get to know us before deciding whether or not our services are right for you.

Our free discovery call will help you learn more about hormone yoga therapy, and how it can help you. We’ll talk about the issues that are holding you back from living your best life, and what to expect in our sessions—all so you can make an informed decision about whether this is the right fit for you.

We’ll also discuss some of the benefits of hormone yoga therapy that we’re most excited about:

► Being able to reconnect with your body in a new way

► Feeling like you’re on top of your game again

► Being able to balance work and life

Here’s how to book your appointment

Step 1

Select a date and time that works best for you.

Step 2

Add comments in relation to how I can assist you feel free to call.

Step 3

A confirmation email will be sent to you.

We look forward to welcoming you into the Hormone Yoga Therapy community!

Contact us for more information or send an email at [email protected]

14 Signs of a Hormonal Imbalance Women Should Never Ignore

Everyone struggles with hormone imbalances. From weight gain to hair loss and depression to premature aging, absolutely no one has been spared these symptoms. That’s why you see so many different options when you’re trying to fix them – prescriptions, supplements, natural treatments like yoga and acupuncture, pricey doctor visits… the list goes on and on. But what is the right path? The best thing you can do is tackle it at its root cause. If a symptom has been bothering you for more than a week or you’re feeling particularly run down, it just might be time for the pros at Hormone Yoga Therapy to take over your care.

Here are 14 signs that you have a hormone imbalance and should think about doing Hormone Yoga Therapy.

1. Feeling frustrated but not sure why?

Feeling frustrated or angry is one of the most common symptoms of hormone imbalance, and it can be hard to tell if you’re really just having a bad day or if there’s something more going on.

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a safe, effective way to address the root cause of your symptoms without the use of medication or hormones.

2. Feeling irritable for no reason?

There may be an explanation for that.

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a new form of yoga that specifically targets hormones and their effects on the body. It’s based on research, which shows that hormones can have a profound effect on mood, energy levels and even weight gain or loss. Hormone Yoga Therapy helps balance these hormones so you feel more like your best self.

3. Unexplained weight gain?

Are you struggling with weight gain, bloating and water retention?

If so, the problem might be your thyroid gland. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate your metabolism, which can cause weight gain if it isn’t working properly.

Yoga is a great way to treat your thyroid gland and help it function better. It improves circulation, which helps carry nutrients to the cells in your body. Yoga also increases flexibility and strength, both of which can help reduce stress levels that may be contributing to your thyroid problems.

4. Lack of motivation to do things you used to enjoy?

Has your lack of motivation made you feel like you’re stuck in a rut?

Are you feeling sluggish, tired and out of breath at the thought of doing something as simple as going for a walk?

I have helped hundreds of people just like YOU get their life back by getting to the root cause of their hormonal imbalance.

But did you know that these problems can be addressed with yoga therapy? Yoga is an ancient practice that helps us achieve balance through proper alignment, breath work and meditation.

5. Vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a common condition that can be caused by many things, including hormonal changes, menopause, and antihistamines.

Yoga therapy can help you to balance your hormones and prevent vaginal dryness. The combination of yoga postures and breathing exercises will increase blood flow to the vaginal area, which can help reduce dryness. In addition to increasing blood flow, yoga is known to increase the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for creating a feeling of relaxation in the body.

6. Can’t get your period or having irregular periods?

If you’re having trouble getting your period or have irregular periods, you may be deficient in the hormone progesterone. This is a normal part of menopause and can affect up to 50% of women. Hormone Yoga Therapy is a safe and effective way to bring balance back to your body.

7. Difficulty getting pregnant or infertility?

If you are trying to get pregnant and are having difficulty getting pregnant or if you have been trying for more than one year without success, HRT may be right for you. HRT can help you get pregnant by balancing your hormones and improving your chances of conception.

The hormones estrogen and progesterone play important roles in fertility. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to infertility problems in women, as well as to other reproductive health issues. HRT uses yoga, meditation and breathing techniques to promote balance between these hormones which can help improve reproductive health.

8. You feel unattractive or unlovable

If you feel unattractive or unlovable, it’s time to take a look at what your hormones are doing.

Hormones are messengers that tell your brain how to react to specific situations and stimuli. When they’re out of balance, your moods can be affected, making you feel insecure or depressed.

9. Low libido and not feeling interested in sex?

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Do you feel like your libido is off the charts, but that’s not necessarily a good thing?

Are you suffering from low energy, insomnia, mood swings and weight gain?

If so, it could be due to hormone imbalance.

Hormone Yoga Therapy can help!

10. Hair loss or diminished hair growth.

Hormone imbalance can be one of the culprits behind hair loss or diminished hair growth. Many women experience this in their early twenties, but it can also happen at any age.

11. Your skin has aged or become dry and irritated, which is making you look older than you are.

The skin is our largest organ, and it’s a huge indicator of how we feel on the inside. But sometimes, it can get a little saggier than you’d like.

If your skin has aged or become dry and irritated, which is making you look older than you are—we have good news for you! There’s a way to fix it: hormone yoga therapy.

Hormone yoga therapy can help balance your hormones and make sure that your skin stays youthful and vibrant. It’s easy to do at home, and it only takes about 15 minutes each day. You’ll start seeing results almost immediately!

12. You’re having hot flashes or night sweats that disrupt your sleep patterns.

Hot flashes and night sweats are no joke. In addition to disrupting your sleep patterns and leaving you feeling groggy and tired, they can be an indicator of other health issues.

Hormone Yoga Therapy can help. It’s a gentle, holistic approach to managing the symptoms of menopause that includes a combination of yoga poses, breathing techniques and meditation to help regulate hormone levels naturally.

13. Breast tenderness and bloating before your period?

Do you have breast tenderness and bloating before your period?
But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. With hormone yoga therapy, we can help you manage your hormones and get back on track with your cycle.

We’ll teach you how to breathe deeply, relax your body and mind, and get rid of those pesky symptoms so that even if your period comes early or late, it won’t throw off your day!

14. PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) symptoms like moodiness, food cravings, breast discomfort, bloating and more.

PMS is no laughing matter.

It’s not just the mood swings, cravings and bloating that can make this time of the month a drag. PMS symptoms can also include breast tenderness and pain, headaches, fatigue and sleeplessness. For some women with PMS, symptoms are so severe that they have trouble functioning normally on a daily basis.

Hormone yoga therapy helps correct hormonal imbalances by working directly with your endocrine system to balance out estrogen and progesterone levels naturally. By doing so, it can reduce or eliminate many of the symptoms associated with PMS including moodiness, food cravings, breast discomfort and bloating.

In summary, hormone yoga therapy is an amazing therapy that can positively impact your life. It is a great way to improve your overall health. The tips provided above may give you an idea of why it is so beneficial and why so many women are using it. If you are experiencing any of these signs, then it is a good idea to consider hormone yoga therapy.

Yoga is not just a physical activity. It’s a practice that can help you build strength and flexibility, increase your awareness of your body, and improve your overall well-being.

In fact, yoga can be done every day—no matter what your level of experience or physical fitness might be.

And the best part? You can find the modality that works best for you.

Restore your natural energy, balance and vitality!

Join Hormone Yoga therapy course and learn how to heal your hormones through yoga postures.

Contact us for more information or send an email at [email protected]

How to realize your dreams

Rayk Coach

If you want to know how to realize your dreams the first, and for some the hardest task, is to define what’s the dream you’re chasing. Only afterwards you can start to make a plan and take the first steps towards the realization of your dream.


How to find your dream

Find out, what really drives you (yes there is a recommendable book with this name from Daniel Pink). Find out, what you’re really good in and how you’d like to spend the next years or even the rest of your life. 

For me it was a cloudy idea for more than five years – working more with and especially for people. Only now, with being a futurehippie and coach I realized this wish.

For some it’s hard to describe their dreams and goals. Let’s describe two major ways of dealing with that:


  • Develop your goal while your’re walking

Basically that means, that you „just“ start your journey and the rest will develop over time. With every small step you make, every intermediate goal you realize your picture will get clearer and clearer. And the good thing is, while you’re working on your „big picture“ you can directly test it, and see how it feels. And without a fixed goal from the start, it’s easier to adjust your priorities and ways.


  • Create a Visionboard or something similar

Sometimes a Visionboard ( or a simple list will help you to have a clearer understanding of your needs, wishes and dreams.

Get things in order – from short-term goals to long-term targets. Things you need to do and things you might or might not do. Countries or places you’d like to see…

If you’d like to combine yoga and planning your next steps you might consider a retreat with us (e.g. 15 Days Become the best version of yourself – or have a look at the page of the talented Maren from Malayo if there is a workshop nearby (


How to realize your dream

  • Trust in yourself

To me, this is the most important factor. This is all about you and your goals in life. Trust your instinct, your abilities and then jump. You might fail or get a different outcome than expected but at least you’re on your way. And that big, first step is always the hardest.


  • Have a network

What do I mean with that? Getting support might be needed along your way to self realization. And that help can have different forms – it can be a helping hand, constructive suggestions to your business plan, an idea, an open ear or something so basic like a couch to sleep on.

Start growing your network today. It became clear to me when I read „Never eat alone“ by Keith Ferrazzi.

I guess, most of us know the usual „business lunch“ where you keep talking about work and projects. Make these lunch dates more valuable and more personal. Meet colleagues from different divisions, broaden your horizon and connect with people. One day you might be or know the right person to support their project or dream – or vice versa.

A network can support you with information, with new contacts or just be an incentive to stick to your plan. Sometimes you just need to meet the right person, someone with the same vision.


  • It doesn’t need to be forever ever

Some of us are frightened to realize their dream because they think, they have to stick to it, no matter if they like what they found or not. The good thing is, you don’t. If you find out, that the place doesn’t feel right, or the task or both feel free to change. Maybe you lose some time and/or money. But you understood yourself much better and made an experience you can profit from. 


Find your level of security / independence

Having said that, I can hear your concerns when it comes to money and security. This „I would, but I have to pay the rent, food…“ etc.

Alan Watts once asked „what if money was no object“. Maybe that’s a step too far, but I would assume, that there is always a way to find a trade-off between security and freedom. A way of financing your dream. Realizing your dream is not a digital thing (0 or 1) it starts with the first step and you take baby steps towards your dream. And maybe you start with a sabbatical / gap year  and „test“ your idea. Sublease your flat so you can always come back to your home. Let’s call it „controlled insecurity“.


Today, more and more creative ideas for „new work“ are born to change structures and work (time) models. Digital nomads, job sharing, job rotation to only name a few. Have you ever heard about „Tandemploy“ ( and their creative approach? It’s definitely worth a look! 


Speaking about digital nomads – maybe becoming a DNX is your thing. Living the live you wanna live, travel and working from abroad.


If you need some support to reach your dreams or just improve your life, I’m more than happy to help you.


Just drop us a message and arrange your first coaching session!


Love & light


Coaching at futurehippie

The Coach Rayk

Nowadays, the suffering of depression and burnout is becoming far more common for people, even among those in their mid to late twenties. That’s one of the reasons why we offer coaching at futurehippie!


When I started working with my coach, the diagnosis was alarming – I was heading either for a burnout or a mild depression. I could choose the path I was walking down, so we started working on my issues.


Burnout as a Social Disease

Let’s start with burnout. There are two reasons I see as the cause of burnout. The first is the chasing of success, money, or appreciation. All of that often chased in the form of a career or running from project to project. We are always looking for the next challenge, attempting to feel like our goal of success is being achieved. The second reason is keeping constantly busy to fill an emptiness that we don’t want to face, or even worse, don’t want to feel.

At least, those were the reasons driving me, back in my days in the corporate world. I reached all of these “goals’’ and achieved what I thought was “success’’, though this career still didn’t fulfil me or meet my expectations of a healthy work environment.



The reasons for burnout are also the basis for the second issue – depression. If I’m not happy with my work or the way I’m living, it upsets me. In my case, it brought me slowly but steadily to a point where I questioned it all.

I was stuck in a cycle of earning money to buy things. To spend it in any way to reward myself for all the hard work I had done to earn it. But these rewards were not fulfilling me, just as my career was not.

As this often goes hand in hand, it’s necessary to get the full picture and see the coherences.

Now that’s the starting point of my coaching at futurehippie with guests. Through coaching, we have a look at their lives to identify their wishes and needs. The first important step is not only to notice that something feels wrong – that has usually happened weeks or months ago. It’s more important, to speak it out loud. When spoken, it’s in the world, and it has a right to be there.


Start your change with a coaching

One of the most impressive changes, I was lucky enough to participate in, was with a wonderful woman in her mid-thirties. She was successful in what she was doing, but with her long days at work, she was not really happy. And her private life did not really exist. She talked about her time-limited ability to offer yoga classes and share her love for yoga.

What did we find during our sessions? We found many reasons why it is “impossible” to change things such as security, money, and how others see her. We discussed dreams about the life she once wanted to live but decided to give up, to take the “the safe way” instead, and we discovered a lot of doubts, patterns and beliefs.

Nevertheless, the night after the first session, she started to change things. Step by step, she worked to get her life back. She took action and instantly, things changed, especially how people reacted to her. The best thing was how she won her smile and her vulnerability back.


It’s a Sign of Strength to Ask for a Helping Hand

I’m always impressed to see how coachees have the courage to start to change their lives after a coaching at futurehippie. Not only to say it but to realise that they themselves can change their lives. And I’m grateful to work with them in that stage of their life, to question views, share my own experiences and try to find alternatives for action. Maybe life coaching is a big word for that – but it’s nothing less than changing your own private and work-related life.

And it helps me realise how much I love what I’m doing – being a coach in our own retreat. When people leave us happy and with lots of new energy and ideas, it makes me proud that our idea is working out – giving people a home away from home and offering the support they need at this very moment.


If you want to find out more about my coaching have a look under or


If you want to know more about Gestalt have a look under



And one coach and podcast that really is particularly dear to me, you can find under


Let’s start your life now!


Warm regards


How my yoga journey started

How my yoga journey started

I was not born hyper-flexible, super skinny or bendy. Neither did I have parents who forced me to have training as a ballet dancer or gymnast. I wish they had. 🙂

When we have kids or teens in the class these days, I become really jealous when I see what they can do with their bodies. The earlier we start with yoga, or any other bodywork, the easier it is. Developing flexibility, strength and focus is so much easier from a young age.

First contacts with yoga

My first contact with yoga was in a gym, in a small town, close to my hometown. I don’t remember all the details, I must have been around the age of 22, but I remember that I really liked the yoga teacher. She was a client in the hairdressing salon I used to work in. I still remember that I adored her for her positivity, her smile, her beauty, in fact, her whole presence. In those days yoga wasn’t really popular in the small towns of my region. When Frauke, my first yoga teacher, stopped teaching at the gym and I moved to another city shortly after, my yoga stopped for a while.

Yoga in Munich

One or two years later, I found myself living in Munich, working for a big cosmetics brand. Life was good. I had a very nice job, new friends. Every now and then I went to the gym or out for a run. In the back of my head, there must have been a little voice, a part of me, which was asking for more, for a ‘deeper sense’.

Yoga was already more popular in Munich, and I felt the call to go back to it. The first studio I went to, was a Jivamukti studio on Müllerstraße. This loft studio doesn’t exist anymore, unfortunately.

Jivamukti as one of my first steps

Anyway, Jivamukti is a quite spiritual, but also modern yoga style. The students in this studio were very different to those of my previous experience at the gym. I was scared, shy and excited all at the same time. In spite of not knowing that yoga isn’t about competition or being ‘good’ at it, I was completely hooked by the fact that they had different levels. Of course, I started as a beginner, but I couldn’t wait to step up to the next level.

Even though the practice of Jivamukti has a big spiritual approach, I was still more into the physical aspects. I never really understood why I should breathe in a certain way, or why I should lie down by the end of the class and do nothing. To be honest, I felt that those practices were a waste of time. Even worse for me was when a teacher started to chant. I remember thinking, many times, that I didn’t sign up for singing – I just wanted to move my body.

So I tried a few different studios, but my yoga practice wasn’t super serious. My focus was more on strength training or going for a run when I had some time off. In the 10 years that I worked for the cosmetics industry, I felt that my job had priority before everything else.

How the journey began

By the age of 31, I noticed how dissatisfied I was with my life. I knew that if I kept going the way I was currently living my life, that it wouldn’t have a happy ending. Tired and burnt out I asked the company for a sabbatical. I was offered a long, unpaid break for 6 months but with the security of having a job when I returned. I started to travel.

That’s a full story by itself, and I might write about it in another blog post but long story short: during my travels, I went from yoga studio to retreat, until I signed up for a yoga teacher training course. I honestly never had the intention to become a yoga teacher when I started travelling. I didn’t even know what opportunities there were or how to become one. Following the intense 6 months of travel and the 4 weeks of my first 200h training, my life had changed completely, and I just couldn’t go back to my previous job.

Well, it’s now almost 15 years since I set foot in my first yoga class and things have changed. 🙂 I‘m still not the biggest fan of hearing my own voice while chanting but I actually enjoy it now. My physical practice is more balanced than it was when I started, and I understand that I need both the physical and the spiritual or emotional aspects of yoga in my life. A powerful Vinyasa or Hatha class can lift up my energy, but I know it’s also important to relax and to wind down with a Yin Yoga or Restorative class. Meditation has also played an essential role in my life for the last few years.

Teacher training and its benefits

If you also feel the call to do a teacher training course, I can highly recommend that you do so. Maybe you don’t want to teach, that’s fine, doing it for yourself is a fantastic experience. It brings your practice to the next level and gives you a deeper understanding of yoga.

It is 5 years since I first qualified and I have completed numerous courses which deepened my practice and provided new insights each time. I have done a 200h Hatha/Vinyasa training course in Bali, 36 hours of Fly High Yoga training, a 100h myofascial Yin Yoga course, and a 300h training session in traditional Hatha Yoga in Rishikesh, India.

Futurehippie is quite time consuming, but I‘m sure I will do another training course one day to keep on learning. Meanwhile, I would like to introduce you to our style of yoga. Join us for a retreat or even dive deeper into one of our teacher training courses. It is my deep passion and desire to share my love of yoga and my practice with others.


Rayk and I look forward to welcome you.


With love from me to you


Free Yoga Community Samui

Free Yoga Koh Samui

When I arrived on Koh Samui, I was surprised to learn that there was a “Free Yoga Community Samui”. My thought has always been that teachers should charge for yoga classes. I say this, because I believe that we should support each other, yoga teachers are often struggling to make a living through their teaching. It takes time and effort and money to plan a class and attend trainings, workshops, and certification courses. Many people spend a fortune on their yoga gear yet want to pay a low price for a class. It’s my feeling that good teachers should charge an appropriate price for their services, especially considering that class prices are easily affordable for many who practice.


At “Free Yoga Community Samui” I found a community involved in doing something good for others. A few participating yoga studios on the island offer one or two classes per week for free or by donation. People who can’t afford a regular class, especially Thai locals, can join the yoga classes and pay however much they can afford to give. 



The donation goes to different projects to ensure that the money will be used in a wise manner. For example, one local boy who can’t afford his medication and suffers from strong seizures is being supported by the organization. From now on, donations will go to Eco Thailand.


Participating Studios

It is a great feeling to give back, and to give everyone the possibility to enjoy the practice of Yoga. These studios on the island are currently offering “Free Yoga Community Samui” classes:

  • The Yogarden, Fisherman’s Village
  • Fit Koh, Ban Tai
  • Anahata Resort, Lipa Noi
  • Vikasa, Chaweng
  • Yoga House & Spa, Lamai
  • Futurehippie, Taling Ngam

At Futurehippie, we offer a free class at 4:30pm every Friday afternoon. It is a gentle flow, suitable for all levels.


We’re looking forward to welcoming you.


Lots of love,


Things to do on Ko Samui

Things to do on Ko Samui

We have to admit we haven’t done all the fun things we planned to do when we came to Koh Samui. Right from the beginning we were busy with renovations and setting up our company. Sunday is now more or less our day off.  Which means that we offer breakfast on Sunday mornings to our guests and once we clean up the kitchen, we do our weekly big shopping trip for groceries. Fruits and veggies we buy fresh from the market every few days but the big shopping trip is once a week.

The rest of Sunday is free. Sometimes we’re just super tired and don’t do anything but every now and then we can motivate ourselves to find something fun to do on Koh Samui.

Rayk and I are not the classical tourists and we will only recommend things we have done ourselves or that our guests enjoyed. There are still tour guides on the island who will offer animal abuse shows and farms, for example, elephant riding, tiger petting, snake shows, monkey shows, etc. Please do not support these events.

Support local animal shelter

If you’re interested in animals, you can go to the Samui Elephant Sanctuary  or one of the animal rescue centers, like Dog and Cat Rescue Samui Foundation Ban Taling Ngam which is just around the corner from futurehippie. They appreciate help and are constantly looking for volunteers. Why not give back to the community on your holidays?

Tours on and around the island

If you still want to  take a tour,  we recommend  you go with Secret Samui Tours. They offer vegan jeep safaris and will take you to the jungle, waterfalls, and temples. There’s a lot to see on Samui if you like this kind of activities.

I once joined our guests on a snorkeling trip with one of our friends who has a long-tail boat. Suni is a local fisherman, speaks fantastic English and can show you the five islands, Koh Madsun, and beautiful snorkeling destinations.

Koh Samui also has many beautiful places that you don’t want to miss. One such place is in Lamai. There is a great restaurant in Lamai that just upgraded their selections with a vegan menu. It is the perfect spot for lunch to enjoy an amazing view of Lamai.

Thailand is for sure the country to get a good massage or any other spa treatment. We really love to go to Cyan Spa in Fisherman’s Village. That’s quite far from futurehippie but if you want to cruise around the island anyway, we highly recommend you make a stopover there.

Renting a scooter is the easiest and most convenient way to explore the island.

If you want to stop for lunch or dinner, I recommend my favorite restaurants and cafés.

Favorites around the island

  1. Funky Vege in Tong Kruk
  2. Sweet Sisters in Tong Kruk
  3. Pure Vegan Heaven in Lamai
  4. Lamai Veggie in Lamai
  5. The Yogarden in Fishermans Village
  6. Elysia at Fisherman’s Village
  7. The Road Less Traveled in Nathon
  8. The Art Club in Nathon!!!
  9. I-talay in Taling Ngam
  10. and of course I love to eat at home at futurehippie café 🙂

These are my favorite vegan cafés in Koh Samui.

If you have seen enough on Samui, why not go island hopping for a day or two. Koh Phangan and Koh Tao are really close by and both are truly beautiful islands.

And one last recommendation: don’t load up your days with too many activities – enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.

Happy holidays


How is it to move abroad? Leaving Germany

Many people told me, and many still tell me, that they admire my decision to move abroad; that they, too, would love to do so as well. Well, actually moving abroad is quite easy. And the best advice I can give anyone is don’t overthink it. You‘ll find hundreds of reasons not to and they’re all right! It’s scary and you’ll have to give up  your comfort zone to do so.

Make a list!

Why do you want to move and why do you want to stay? The first thing on my list was that I always wanted to be able to walk barefoot 10 out of 12 months of the year. Well, the decision was easy as that’s not possible in Germany. Then you need to ask yourself: How much value does that reason deserve? I’m sure that deep inside of you, you already know the answer.

Listen to Yourself

I moved abroad twice. At the first time, I must have known that I wouldn’t stay for long. The truth was hidden in my behavior. All things I bought were 90 percent second-hand and I was really avoiding collecting things again. I told myself that I was practicing Aparigraha–freedom from greed, the 5th Yama from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Anyway, once you make the decision, go for it! Don’t plan for too long, you’ll never be perfectly prepared anyway. You will make mistakes and learn from them. On that note, it will be to your benefit if you speak the local language. Having said this, I don’t speak Thai–yet!.

A few things to take care of:

  • Inform your bank that you are moving. Transactions can be complicated sometimes. I kept my German bank account in case I might need it in the future.
  • Cancel all unnecessary contracts – from your cellphone to memberships and everything in between.
    • To avoid long cancelation times for contracts, notify the registry office of your departure.
  • If you do not have anybody who can check your mailbox, look for a provider like “E-Post” or “Getcaya” that will send you a notification should an important letter arrive
  • Sell as much as you can and store only the few things that are really important to you.
  • It’s very important to obtain health insurance before you start traveling.
If you have a lot of friends that you intend to stay close to, consider starting a blog, that way your friends and family are well informed about all the wonderful things you’re doing. It’s a great way to save memories and keep connections alive. If you’re a little more private, consider a diary to keep for yourself. As much your friends love you and no matter how many times they tell you that they all want to come to visit you, there’s one thing you need to know in advance, this mostly won’t happen. Their life goes on just as yours does. There’s no judgement to be made; just understand this and  you won’t be too upset by it. Life can be awesome on the “other side” of the world but don’t expect it to be super easy. It’s just different. Maybe you’ll love it, maybe you won’t.

With love, Mika 

The 7 most common questions

The 7 most common questions on or Living abroad

Living abroad

Since we opened futurehippie on Koh Samui we’re having lovely people joining from all over world, who have some questions. 

People who attend our yoga retreat or just joining us in the café asking us many times the same questions. 

Most frequently asked questions:

  1. since when are you here?
  2. where are you from?
  3. do you live here?
  4. do you stay forever?
  5. how easy is it to live in Thailand ?
  6. how is it to move away from Germany?
  7. do you miss Germany?

Let’s see what we can answer! 🙂

  1.  we’re on Koh Samui since November 2018 and opened futurehippie at the 24th December 2018

  2. Rayk and me are both German. Rayk used to live in Potsdam and I used to live in Munich but I’m born in the north of Germany

  3. no we travel every morning from Berlin to Samui. 🙂 Yes of course we do. Rayk and me are living next door to futurehippie.

  4. what’s forever ? We plan to stay for at least a couple of years but we don’t know how long exactly. Who know’s what the future will bring.

  5. well let’s focus on number 5 and we gonna have a separate post for number 6 and 7.

How easy is it to live in Thailand?

If you don’t wanna work and have enough savings then life can be quite relaxing. The only issue everyone is facing is the Visa. There are different visatypes and none of them gives you the ultimate freedom. We have a 1year Visa but still have to do a border bounce every 3 month. Every year we renew the Visa and the work permit. Yes we all know people who work without a work permit or volunteering for exchange etc. 


Unfortunately that’s all not legal. As soon as you decide to work, help or volunteer you need a work permit. Otherwise you can get in real trouble in Thailand. 


When we arrived we were really surprised by the fact that the thai bureaucracy is unbelievable! You gonna sign papers and papers with no idea what you’re signing there. At one point we said that we’re sure that by now we already sold our soul. 


Just one example: I bought our car and to have this car on my name and getting the right papers and certificates I needed a certificate from immigration, lots of different papers and we went 3 times to the transport office. Yes- Thailand is teaching us patience!


Once you have everything arranged you can start to enjoy life (until the next unexpected thing is happening :))

Life is pretty amazing here.

I can go for a swim in the ocean every day. We’re surrounded by nature and we both feel super grounded. The veggies and fruits are super fresh and full of flavours. We have lovely guests from all around the world and it’s nice to connect to them. Our neighbors are lovely and soon we wanna start learning Thai language so that we can connect much better to our Thai neighbor. 

When we arrived in November 2018 it was the middle of rainy season which can be really unpleasant sometimes. From January to March it was beautiful and then it started to get hot in April. So far I love the month June because it brings lots of wind, sunshine and some storms in the afternoon. I just love watching storms in the late afternoon. 


Thailand is such a beautiful country and we hope that we will stay many more years.


How long exactly ? We’ll see 🙂

What’s a hippie life in 2019?


When we thought about the name for our retreat center it didn’t take long and futurehippie was born. It started with a joke because I said always to Rayk that I’m too hippie to go to certain restaurants or clubs when we were chatting about visiting friends in Germany. He replied that I don’t really look like a real hippie…. so this discussion about being a hippie, feeling like a hippie went on and by the end we decided that we’re both “futurehippies”. So what does it mean ?

The hippie life in modern society means for me that I allow myself a lot of freedom. Having this Yogaretreat on Koh Samui gives me the opportunity to walk barefoot as much as I want. I can dress however I want and don’t have to worry that my pants or shirts are having holes. If I wanna wear Make-up I do but if not, nobody cares. Sharing my passion and beliefs with others is such a privilege that I can’t think of doing anything else anymore.
The hippie community was growing earlier days because people wanted to have a free will, the choice to do, speak and to think different than others. They consumed lots of drugs, celebrated free love and some of them didn’t care about their hair and hygienic standards at all anymore. Because of these things I can’t call myself a real hippie. The desire of freedom is in me and I know that many people feel the same way.
Our tribe, parents and friends told us what’s right and wrong and we created our belief system. It can be quite refreshing to question your own beliefs. Is it really what you want or sometimes just the “should” or “shouldn’t” phrase we’re using.
To break free is scary in the beginning and it takes lots of courage to stand out of the crowd. 

We have many digital nomads coming to our place and starting a new career. They’re using the peaceful environment to create the vision and plan how they wanna spent the rest of their life. Finding out what they truly want or to already get some work done in-between the Yoga classes. We like to give our guests the space to create their personal retreat. If someone needs more attention or guidance we will be there. If someone needs time for themselves the space is there.

As a hippie in 2019

☮️  I’m using WIFI

☮️  I practice Yoga and Meditation

☮️  I’m on social media

☮️  I have holes in my clothes and walk barefoot whenever I can

☮️  I like modern amenities 

☮️  I love nature

☮️  I allow myself to be different

I’m wishing you that you’re living the life you desire

with love
